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6 Reasons to Transcribe Audio to Text [Get 30 minutes of free transcription]

6 Reasons to Transcribe Audio to Text, The main idea when it comes to transcribing your audio is to get your thoughts out of your head and onto paper.




6 Reasons to Transcribe Audio to Text

There are multiple reasons why you should transcribe your audio into text.

The main idea when it comes to transcribing your audio is to get your thoughts out of your head and onto paper. Transcribing audio has been around for multiple decades. Converting audio to text is a quick and efficient way to do the following:

  • Put podcasts into written form
  • Complete interview summaries quickly
  • Put together lecture notes
  • Medical use such as psychologist or doctors notes
  • Complete reports in record time

Great audio to text services provide the user with a playback function where they can hear words being spoken and read the text at the same time. For this, we recommend the top-rated service This service allows the user to click on a word in the audio and playback the audio from this point. The technology can also identify speakers through speech and structure the text according to the voice of the speaker.

Reasons to Transcribe Audio to Text

This technology is being used by businesses and persons alike. This is because there are many benefits to using a transcription service.

Now, we are not talking about the transcription services on a freelancer website where they charge $10 an hour to complete a transcription job. We are talking about a computerized machine that will take your audio and transcribe the sound with no persons involved. This offers many benefits.

1. Rank Higher in Google SEO

Podcasts and YouTube videos without transcribed audio are proven to rank lower than those that are copied. Smart blog owners, podcast entertainers, and YouTube channels transcribe their audio into text so that their content will rank higher in the search engines. It is known that audio does not do well in the search engine rankings unless you turn it into text.

2. Turning your Audio into Text Opens Opportunities

There is an audience out there that prefers not only audio and video, but they prefer written text along with it. The written text allows the viewer to refer to and even backlink to the source of the text. As every SEO strategist knows, backlinking is one of the best ways to increase search engine rankings.

But there is another reason why turning audio into text opens opportunities. A lot of times, a person viewing your content will see illustrations, charts, pictures, or infographics that they cannot understand. Explaining these things on audio does not do a lot of justice to the representations. Instead, users of the content will get frustrated when they have to constantly playback the audio to try to understand something that could easily be in written text. Having a printed text option for your users will help open opportunities because the users believe that you are trying to improve your audience’s understand.

3. Increase your Content’s Accessibility

There is a percentage of the population that has moderate to severe disabilities that include deafness and hearing problems. Having a text version of your audio and video audio content will help those with disabilities read and enjoy your work. Increasing accessibility will have a positive impact.

4. Transcribed content is easy to share

Sharing audio files through podcasts, CDs, website downloads, and physical media is much more complicated than text. Transcribed content that is compact in a text form is easy to share across all social media channels and multiple blogs. Transcribed audio can help spread your message into an easily shared form as:

  • E-books
  • Online media articles
  • Manuals
  • Emails
  • Blog posts
  • Books
  • Interviews and more

5. Transcribed content is easy to distribute

Distributing audio is more complicated than distributing printed text. Audio files are much bigger than text files. The audio file should be converted into transcribed content so that it can easily be distributed as e-books, blog posts, and articles across all media platforms. You want your content to be distributed so that people can see you as an authority and visit you consistently. Having one form of your content in a difficult to distribute manner will make it harder for you to reach higher levels in your profession. Instead, go to and get 30 minutes of free transcription so that you can understand how easy it is to convert your audio into text.

6. Transcribed Information Through Saves Time

The technology today is so advanced that you can literally sit down and record yourself using a portable recorder and print out your thoughts later. With Audext you can convert m4a to mp3. And you also can turn your audio diary into a blog post or even an e-book for everyone to share. Transcribing your audio into a written format has never been more comfortable with

7. Summary

Putting your thoughts and ideas into a recording is a great way to start elevating your professional status to a new level. To take this status to even a higher level, you should put your audio into a written form. Professionals everywhere are taking advantage of transcription audio to text technology that is easy to use and available online. The benefits are enormous, especially for those who are professional bloggers, students, journalists, podcasters, and medical professionals. Take advantage of this technology today and visit to get your first 30 minutes of free transcription.

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Parimatch starts cooperation with the AFA in Asia

This partnership allows the AFA to expand its international presence and, together with Parimatch, participate in all sports technology events held in Asia.




Parimatch starts cooperation with the AFA in Asia

The global gaming platform Parimatch has announced a new exclusive partnership with the Argentine Football Association (AFA), becoming the organization’s fifth regional sponsor. This partnership allows the AFA to expand its international presence and, together with Parimatch, participate in all sports technology events held in Asia.

Expanding its horizons, the Argentine Football Association is actively entering new strategic markets, involving more than 55 commercial partners. In addition, the association is improving its digital content strategy, including social media in five languages, to help attract new audiences.

The partnership with Parimatch will provide users with the opportunity to participate in various official events, receive autographed t-shirts of the players of the national team of Argentina, and enjoy unique moments thanks to this collaboration.

AFA President Claudio Tapia said: “We express our gratitude to Parimatch, a leading company in the gaming industry, for joining the Argentine football family as a regional sponsor of our national team in the Asian region.”

Tapia stressed that the AFA continues to take active steps to expand its presence in strategic markets and forge alliances with leading companies. This agreement allows the association to work actively in Asia and strengthens its position in the world of football. “We sincerely welcome Parimatch as our regional sponsor,” he added.

The AFA’s Commercial and Marketing Director, Leandro Petersen, stated: “We are delighted to announce a new regional sponsorship in the Asian region between the AFA and Parimatch. This partnership with a market leader like Parimatch will strengthen our position in the international arena and help expand the fan base of the Argentine national team in Asia.”

The press service of Parimatch also expressed satisfaction with the cooperation, underscoring: “We are pleased to work with the Argentine Football Association as its regional sponsor in Asia. This agreement marks an important milestone for Parimatch as we enhance our commitment to growing football in Asia and providing an exceptional playing experience for fans. Our partnership with the AFA allows us to expand our brands and actively engage with football fans in Asia.”

Parimatch reaffirms its commitment to supporting football in Asia and is ready to provide fans with unforgettable experiences as a regional sponsor of the Argentine Football Association.

Through strategic partnerships with leading football organizations such as the AFA, Parimatch continues to promote the development of sports and popularize football culture in Asia, bringing beloved teams closer to their fans.

Parimatch also plays a key role in promoting sports culture in the region. Through its partnership with the AFA, Parimatch provides its users with exclusive access to events and products related to Argentine football. This not only strengthens the Parimatch brand, but also enhances the commitment to sports in Asia.

The collaboration between Parimatch and the AFA demonstrates how strategic alliances can influence the development of the sports industry. Parimatch is constantly looking for new opportunities for development and innovation, and this partnership is another step in that direction. Parimatch users are looking forward to new opportunities that will open up thanks to this collaboration.

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