
How to Organize a Product Launch

Ask anyone in the business and they will tell you, the product launch is the busiest and scariest time of the year. Not only because anything that can go wrong will probably go wrong, but it is a month’s worth of work slapped in just a few days.

It is also an exciting time, when the company presents the very thing they have been working on for the first time to the public. To be sure this time of stress and joy passes successfully, you should prepare well. And here is how.

1. Calendar is your friend

In order for everything to go smoothly, you need to work with a set schedule, a long time in advance. Your launch date should be decided as long as a year ago – it is never too early to start preparing.

And in the build up to it, there are so many things to be done. First comes the release of information, slow and deliberate, because you want to keep the press and the people interested over a longer period of time.

You need to keep in touch with your affiliates and partners, keeping them abreast of the situation. Finally, you need to promote the actual launch day, while at the same time worrying about the goods or services reaching their destination where they will be available at the exact time and in large enough quantities. Sounds simple, doesn’t it?

2. Make sure the product/service is ready

There is probably only one thing worse than missing your launch date and that is for the product to not be good enough or have some sort of defect at launch.

In order to escape this unfortunate situation, you need to be aware of its quality at each stage of the development leading up to the launch date.

You might want to look the other way when you realize there are some negative sides or potential problems with the product, but you mustn’t, if you want a successful launch.

It is better to push it back for a few months if need be than it is to launch an unfinished product that will not satisfy anyone.

3. Don’t forget about the market(ing)

Is the market ready and willing to receive your product? On the one hand, it is a question of the right time to come out with what you have cooked up – perhaps the public has no desire for it, perhaps the competition already has successful products of similar nature.

Picking the right time based on market research is important. On the other hand, it is also the question of your marketing team putting in the effort. Make sure you have covered all the bases, from social network campaigns to TV, radio and newspaper ads.

Find proper professionals for your promotional materials, such as high-quality printing norwest experts, and make sure everyone knows about your product, presented in glorious high-definition, both online and offline.

4. Try things out and ask around

One more thing before launch day – don’t trust just yourself, ask the experts. They might find some design flaws, but that is exactly what you want, a way to improve the product before launch.

Remember that you need to supply the product to various opinion-makers and influencers before the actual launch day – wouldn’t it be great if what they got was the best possible version of the product.

Imagine having your product launch coincide with being successfully presented on social networks, TV and printed media! This is why it is important to iterate until the last day – you never know when the big eureka moment might come and the product finally comes together.

5. Be ready when the day comes

Bad things will happen. This is not a premonition, it is just the way things are – no launch is without hitches. It is important to be ready and to have contingencies already in place.

Get more people than you think is necessary – you will thank us later. Everyone will be working around the clock and they should have people ready on standby, because you never know how long the first day could be. Most importantly, set your expectation at a realistic level.

Don’t sell yourselves short but don’t go off thinking you’re hot stuff without actual numbers to back that up. Make sure you do your best on the launch day and there will be no regrets.

Tracey Clayton

Tracey Clayton is a working mom of three girls. She's passionate about marketing and everything tech related. Her motto is: "Live the life you love, love the life you live."

Published by
Tracey Clayton

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