Computer Network

5 Best DDoS Protection Techniques

Keeping your business operational and profitable in this day and age effectively requires a robust web presence that can lure customers in at any time of the day. Despite the importance of a stellar website and smooth user experience, however, many businesses are finding themselves the victims of DDoS attacks, which harm their digital infrastructure and prevent customers from accessing their website. DDoS attacks have grown substantially more common recently, yet many entrepreneurs still don’t know how to mitigate them.

Here’s a breakdown of the five best DDoS protection techniques, why they’re so useful, and why you need to adopt them as soon as possible.

1. It would help if you had a DDoS gameplan.

The only way to prevent and mitigate DDoS attacks to the fullest extent possible is by responding to them in a timely and efficient manner. For that, you’ll need a company-wide DDoS plan that your workers can familiarize themselves with.

The 1st step towards securing your business from future DDoS attacks should be to formulate and disseminate a method to all significant employees with tech privileges to ensure your response goes smoothly even and especially if you can’t be there to manage it personally.

Your response plan should elucidate which steps to take whenever you face a DDoS attack. It should explain the hierarchy of your company if you have many employees working in the same area, as too many cooks in the kitchen can damage your response time if the authority isn’t established ahead of time. Finally, a comprehensive systems checklist to ensure you can review each of your assets to determine if they’re safe or the source of the problem will speed the entire response process up significantly.

Outside of having a DDos gameplan, you should also consider investing in it…

2. DDoS training to prepare your employees.

Having a gameplan is a necessary part of adequately responding to DDoS attacks. Still, your company will never be able to respond to these attacks in full unless it has responsible and dependable employees that it can count on to execute that plan. This is why investing in DDoS training before an attack ever occurs is essential, as far too many businesses have prolonged their suffering due to an inability to gather capable professionals to respond to a DDoS incursion.

Even if your training is as simple as reviewing recent DDoS statistics to familiarize yourself with how these attacks have changed in past years, you’ll be taking positive steps to protect your business from the worst-case-scenario. When you school your workers in DDoS protection techniques, you’re effectively guaranteeing that you, as the business owner, aren’t the only ones on the line to defend your company from digital attacks.

3. Spread out your network architecture

When you do inevitably face a DDoS attack, you’ll be able to more capably weather the storm by relying on a distributed network architecture that enables you to work around failures caused by DDoS attacks. Volumetric attacks, by far the most common sort of DDoS incursion, focus on drowning your network by filling up your bandwidth and making it impossible for things to function smoothly. When one server fails, you may need to depend upon another suddenly, so ensure that your distributed network architecture is robust and reliable as well as geographically separated.

4. Invest in the right tools

Particular tools have been created to thwart or mitigate the effects of DDoS attacks, and companies that don’t at least familiarize themselves with these tools are doing themselves a severe disservice. Review a list of DDoS prevention tools, and you’ll quickly identify popular companies like Cloudflare and AWS Shield.

Which means you depend upon will be a personal choice; some are more affordable and accessible than others, so don’t be afraid to consult your IT experts if you’re struggling to make this choice yourself.

Don’t think that excellent tools are enough to save you, however; if you don’t have dependable staffers to work with these tools, your business is still profoundly vulnerable to DDoS attacks. This is why a great team is by far the best DDoS protection method.

5. Scale up your bandwidth

Business owners looking for technical measures to thwart DDoS attacks can always scale up their bandwidth, which increases their capacity to withstand DDoS attacks and generally bolsters the speed of your network. IT professionals who have been the victims of DDoS attacks have written authoritative responses illustrating that record-level DDoS attacks can still be mitigated with the help of large network bandwidth that thwarts such efforts from the very get-go.

Protecting yourself from DDoS attacks begins with bolstering your bandwidth and ends with recruiting a stellar team of IT gurus who can help you mitigate any attacks you face in the future. Before long, your company will be more secure from DDoS attacks and other nefarious digital incursions than ever before.


We are an Instructor, Modern Full Stack Web Application Developers, Freelancers, Tech Bloggers, and Technical SEO Experts. We deliver a rich set of software applications for your business needs.

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